Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited


Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. (BCBL) has a mission to be “A people’s Bank” and provide top-quality financial products and services to its customers. As a marketing and branding professional, we recently conducted market research on behalf of BCBL to identify areas for growth and improvement. Through this research, we discovered that BCBL could increase its brand awareness and reach among urban customers by investing more in digital marketing channels.

01. The Challenge

As a marketing and branding agency, we have identified a challenge in our work with BCBL. The current TTL approach is not designed with the customer in mind and does not effectively communicate the brand’s message. Additionally, the design language and social media presence are inconsistent, which affects the overall brand image.

02. The Solution

Working with Looks Fashion and Apparel presented several challenges during the process of creating their brand identity and branding strategy. These challenges encompassed various aspects of the project and required effective problem-solving and collaboration to overcome. Here are some of the key challenges we encountered:

Lack of Clarity in Brand Vision: At the outset of the project, Looks Fashion had difficulty articulating a clear and cohesive brand vision. This made it challenging to develop a brand identity that truly represented their essence. We had to invest extra time in extensive discussions and brainstorming sessions to align our creative direction with their values and goals.

Changing Design Preferences: Looks Fashion went through several iterations of design preferences throughout the project. As a result, it became challenging to finalize certain elements, such as the logo and character design. Continuous shifts in preferences caused delays in the branding process and required us to remain adaptable and patient.

Budget Constraints: Like many startups or small businesses, Looks Fashion had budget limitations. Creating a comprehensive brand identity and strategy along with photography and package designs necessitated careful resource allocation. We needed to find innovative ways to deliver high-quality results while adhering to their budgetary constraints.

Tight Timelines: Looks Fashion had ambitious launch plans, which put pressure on us to deliver within tight timelines. Developing a complete brand identity, packaging designs, and conducting product and fashion photography required meticulous planning and coordination. Meeting deadlines without compromising on quality was an ongoing challenge.

Inexperienced Social Media Management: Setting up and managing Looks Fashion’s Facebook and Instagram pages posed challenges. The company lacked experience in social media management, leading to inconsistent content posting, engagement, and follower growth. We had to provide additional support and guidance to help them navigate the world of social media effectively.

Market Competition: The fashion industry is highly competitive, and Looks Fashion faced challenges in differentiating themselves from established brands and capturing their target audience’s attention. Crafting a unique brand tone and positioning required extensive market research and creativity.

Integration of Brand Guidelines: After establishing the brand guidelines, ensuring that all stakeholders, including employees and external partners, adhered to them proved to be a challenge. Maintaining consistency across all touchpoints, both online and offline, required constant monitoring and communication.

Cultural Sensitivity in Fashion Photography: During the fashion photography phase, we encountered challenges related to cultural sensitivity and inclusivity. Ensuring that the models, styling, and overall representation resonated with a diverse audience was of utmost importance, and required careful consideration and execution.

At Marketing Bee, we had the opportunity to work closely with BCBL to redesign and develop their website, with the primary goal of enhancing the user interface and overall user experience. Our approach was based on BCBL’s newly designed Brand Guidelines, which we also had the privilege to create, and the integration of their Accent color.

The solution is to implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes the following:

  • Development and management of social media platforms
  • Creation of social media ads and gfx animation promos
  • Use of conventional and digital channels to reach the target audience
  • Development of a new logo, color palette, schemes, UX, UI, typography, and brand style guide to reflect their new brand positioning and voice
  • Redesigning and developing the website to align with the new style guide
BCBL Social Media Post
Product and service design with brand identity

Our process revolved around a human-centered design system, ensuring that every aspect of the website was designed with the end user in mind. We aimed to create an intuitive and engaging experience that would resonate with BCBL’s target audience.

To achieve this, we followed a comprehensive approach that encompassed the following key steps:

Brand Guideline Design: Marketing Bee collaborated closely with BCBL to design their Brand Guidelines. This involved developing a visual identity that reflected BCBL’s values, personality, and goals. We crafted a cohesive and consistent design language, incorporating elements such as logo usage, typography, color palette, and graphic elements. These guidelines served as the foundation for the website redesign.

Discovery and Research: We conducted in-depth research to gain a thorough understanding of BCBL’s target audience, their needs, and expectations. We analyzed the existing website to identify pain points and areas for improvement. This research helped us shape the user experience strategy and define the website’s goals and objectives.

User Experience Design: Leveraging the human-centered design system, we focused on creating a user experience that was intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with BCBL’s objectives. We developed user personas, and user journey maps, and conducted usability testing to inform our design decisions. Wireframes and interactive prototypes were created to visualize the website’s structure, content hierarchy, and user flows.

User Interface Design: Building upon BCBL’s newly designed Brand Guidelines, we crafted a visually appealing user interface. We paid meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every element, from the layout to the typography and imagery, worked harmoniously together. The Accent color was strategically integrated to create visual interest and enhance brand recognition.

Development: Our development team translated the design into clean and efficient code, ensuring the website was optimized for performance and speed. We followed industry best practices and coding standards to deliver a website that not only looked great but also ran smoothly across different devices and browsers. The website was developed using responsive design techniques, adapting seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing and quality assurance procedures were implemented to identify and resolve any issues or bugs. We conducted cross-browser and cross-device testing to ensure a consistent and flawless user experience. Performance testing was carried out to optimize load times and enhance overall website speed.

Deployment and Support: Once the website passed all quality checks, we coordinated with BCBL to deploy it to their hosting environment, ensuring a seamless transition. We provided training and documentation to empower BCBL’s team to manage and update the website independently. Marketing Bee also offered ongoing technical support and maintenance services to address any post-launch requirements or updates.

Website Mobile Laptop version
UX/UI Design and development of the responsive website of bcbl

In addition to building BCBL’s presence in the traditional banking market, we are also supporting their expansion into the Islamic Sariah Banking sector. This includes the development of a new logo, color palette, schemes, UX, UI, typography, and brand style guide to reflect their new brand positioning and voice. We have also redesigned and developed their website to align with the new style guide, with a focus on SEO best practices to improve their visibility on search engines and attract potential customers.

Process of Islamic brand identity design
BCBL Islamic Banking
Social Media Marketing
The adaptation of BCBL Islamic brand identity at their website manner

03. The Result

Through our efforts, we are helping BCBL achieve its mission of being “A people’s Bank” by increasing its brand awareness and reach among urban customers and delivering a cohesive and consistent brand experience for all of its customers. We are dedicated to continuously improving and innovating to provide the best possible banking experience for BCBL’s customers.